Wow, you’re a brave woman! I’ve seen a little of this on the internet as well, but not to that extreme. These people are clearly not right….like living in a basement not right! That’s scary when you really think about it.

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Apr 16Author

It's disturbing that people think this shit is acceptable. Luckily the last guy got kicked off of substack. But for every one we see in the light, there's probably 10 more lurking in the dark.

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Absolutely, or maybe even more! I live in Texas, and honestly, I don’t feel safe here anymore. It’s really scary. These people have always existed, but Trump’s vulgar reign gave them permission to come out of the woodwork, so to speak. He ran on draining the swamp, and ironically, his base is the swamp. It’s gettin’ real, ya’ll. I’m hoping something really wonderful happens very soon. It’s just pure torture from now till November. There’s a poison in our country, and they’re lurking, you’re absolutely right, Liz.

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Apr 16Author

So sorry you are living in Texas. I am actually from there and its sad to see what Greg Abbot has done to my former home state. I honestly think if Texans were actually allowed to vote and the state wasn't so horribly gerrymandered, it would turn purple, if not blue.

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You get it! ♥️ Abbott is an arch nemesis of mine, as is anyone in Trump’s swamp. He’s ripping things apart. I bet you’re so happy you left. Texas has large democratic areas, but like you said, it doesn’t work the way it should because of asshole manipulation to the system. It’s sad.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16Author

I still live in a red state- but its not as bad as Texbanistan. One way I deal with the constant rage migraines is by framing it this way:

If we didn't live in red states, there would be no hope for turning them blue. There would be no hope for combatting draconian laws. There would be no one to resist the GQPs wet dream of taking away all of our rights and returning us to 1864. So we stay here and fight. Fight back against the religious fanatics. The only way to combat the despair is through action. There are so many organizations to get involved with- hell I'd focus on your local and state candidates. Knock doors, make calls. Write a substack. Make sure ALL your friends and family are informed on the issues and that they aren't buying republican lies. Oh and make sure to frequently check your and your peer's voting status. Because red states are purging voters by the thousands, and will often do so right before the election.

Stay strong and keep fighting. <3

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I agree 100%. You gave me a great idea. Thank you. I’m learning Substack slowly, but am so happy my feed is full of like-minded people, and spreading the word can certainly help. I will look into the voter status issue. That’s so scary. There’s a writer, Jeff Sharlet, and he wrote The Family, and there’s a Netflix documentary. The book is superb. He has personal experience with this “family”, and he wrote about it. It’s not just our Republican politicians that we have to worry about. There’s an underground organization of people working the system from behind the scenes. Trump isn’t a lunatic all by himself. He’s being guided. It’s too insane to even believe, but it’s absolutely true. The Family goes years back, thought of by a German immigrant and it has wreaked havoc. I don’t think many people realize what we’re truly up against. It’s definitely draconian times trying to make a comeback. Scary, scary stuff.

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Apr 12Liked by Liz

No doubt these men are the rapists who just haven't been caught yet.

I wish I could attach a picture to this, but you can google it, Maxwell Anderson from Wisconsin. He is the postcard example of an Incel...... that murdered and dismembered a woman recently. Fuckin prick.

These guys still live in their mama's basement, or shithole trailers out in the rural county..... poor little incels, they are always the victim.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13Author

We have an epidemic of misogyny in America. Its a backlash to 2nd wave feminism, and men thinking that equality is pie, and that If we get some, it somehow takes away from theirs. That our independence is to blame for their inability to get laid, or correctly wipe their ass. I frequently wonder if these dudes were always like this inside, and just stayed quiet until dear leader gave them permission to be shitheads in out in the open?

Would these guys talk to us this way if we were in person and face to face? When I pump gas, buy groceries or pick up a pizza, how many of the men ringing me up look at me and think what these men online are typing? How many fantasize about hurting me?

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Apr 13Liked by Liz

Chat rooms have made it worse. The Incel is being targeted by white supremacist men as a recruiting tool for more members of hate, bigotry, misogyny. " Tool" being the operative word, because of course they are all fucking tools. White supremacist teaching incel how to pickup women (or just take what belongs to you Bro). Their parents are part of blame not teaching them self confidence and mutual respect. Republicans dumbing down schools that dont teach stuff like sex ed and civics and ethics. Probably even video games, since all the avatars are porn star looking Stacy's. Incel has no clue about differences of human women vs avatar.

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Apr 16Author

See the loser troll below.

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Exactly. They most of the time wouldn’t say anything. They’re looking for their next victim. Fuckin’ sickos.

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Lol. And they’re the same ones utilizing socialist policies and programs, but yet want to still vote for the people who wanna take it away. A huge oxymoron fan base, indeed. Incel isn’t even strong enough of verbiage to describe them. Literally the swamp. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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I’m going to read this whole article later but don’t let these idiots get you down. The only reason I’m not writing right now is because I don’t think my mind or body can handle one more thing. I chose to go off social media over similar comments. People hated the fact that I said had I gotten pregnant with my rapist my baby as a freshmen in high school I would’ve committed suicide if I couldn’t have had an abortion. That is how I lost my freaking virginity—violence, force and fear—that’s how I thought sex was supposed to be for a very long time until I got called out for needing therapy for PTSD. I still struggle not to see his face when I’m intimate with someone and I am a 35 year old woman now. I didn’t ask to be raped so I wouldn’t have had a baby by him. Wouldn’t even feel bad about it. You’re very inspiring—I hope I muster up the courage you have some day.

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May 1Liked by Liz

I got into it with Andkon and made it my life’s work to report every word he said. I reported him sometimes up to 10 times a day. I finally started writing DEATH THREATS in all caps on my reports.

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May 1Author

sadly it took reporting in the Atlantic to get him banned.

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Apr 21Liked by Liz

We encourage free speech, and discourage hate speech.

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RemovedApr 16·edited Apr 16
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Apr 16·edited Apr 16Author

Guys like you are why women cover their drink when you walk in the room.

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Omg…..you’re trolling her, too! You should do us all a favor, and pull your lip over your head and swallow. You’re a huge stain on humanity….along with all your cohorts.

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Apr 16Author

They can't help themselves. Hating women is the dopamine hit they can't get enough of. Anyone that spends that much time trolling (He relentlessly trolls Justin Rosario) lives a sad life in mom's basement.

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Yessssss, that’s where I saw this doofus this morning. He changed his profile name from Muhammed marries a 9yo to this. He’s seriously mentally deranged. I think a lot of these men have mommy issues, which is very, very sad, but you can’t go around taking it out on people. That’s a very scary concept because they do just walk around with the rest of us. Hatred of women is absolutely intolerable. Hatred of anyone should be absolutely intolerable. These people really are the swamp, and you never know who is sitting next to you. I think that’s one reason why we are keeping to ourselves more as Americans. We no longer trust our neighbors. There’s many circumstances for that. Sad, sad, sad. I see the beauty of the world, but then I also understand that there’s a lot of darkness, too. We’re really no longer safe, and that’s a disgusting attribute of America.

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RemovedApr 16
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What. Daddy didn’t play catch in the backyard with you? Maybe smacked you around a bit, so you had to look for someone you weren’t afraid of to abuse? You boys would be hilarious if you weren’t so pathetic. If you weren’t so red pilled and pathetic, maybe women would speak to you without disdain or pity in their voices. Maybe you could convince a woman to spend enough time with you to “see the nice guy inside”. Log out, touch grass and grow up, little boy.

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Can’t get a girlfriend, huh??? 😂😂😂

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Furthermore, your previous name which indicated pedophilia wasn’t funny at all. You’re a very sick human being. Please seek help. Pedophilia is disgusting, but that’s probably why you like Trump. You probably worship Epstein too, don’t ya? Trump taped a 13 y/o in Epstein’s New York apartment in the early 2000s. I found the court document years ago doing research. The case was dropped because Trump threatened to kill Jane Doe’s family or her if things were said. You, along with him, are disgusting human beings. You are the ones who shouldn’t reproduce, but that’s just my opinion. You messed with the wrong ladies if you think we will sit back and take your shit. You ain’t got to go home, but ya can’t stay here…….

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*raped, not taped

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RemovedApr 16
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You’re no longer a MAGAt, but you troll people and say hurtful things about their gender and sexuality. That sounds like a MAGAt to me. If it looks like shit, smells like shit, tastes like shit……well then, it’s probably shit! You’re a disgrace. This convo is over.

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Apr 16Author

this pet troll is 100% a maga weirdo. Just ignore it.

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Totally! Sometimes I get a wild hair up my ass and wanna give them some of their own medicine.

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RemovedApr 16
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Here you are again. You really are addicted to this, aren’t you? It’s almost interesting to think of where you’d be if not for the internet. You think you could pull a soapbox onto the sidewalk and shout your bullshit through a bullhorn? How long do you think you’d last before somebody knocked you off of it? Keyboard warriors, too frightened and frail to speak out in public. Ask mommy to fix you another hot pocket. You’re not really you when you’re hungry.

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You need to educate yourself. Set your pursuit of knowledge at a more ambitious level than your hero, Andrew "I've been beaten around the head too much" Tate.

Clearly, you need to be better informed. Couldn't you manage to roll a condom onto a banana, in your Sex Education classes in Year 8? You need to read, "A Sex Education for Dummies". It would take you longer to read, than your usual 3 minutes of 'performative thrusting art'.

We should leave you to your own scintillating company. Is that your Mom calling you in the background? Sounds like she wants you to get your ass out of the basement and into the yard to do your chores. Just remember, if you don't clean up all the dog's crap and mow the lawn, there will be no pocket-money for you this week.

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Paid for 7 abortions? Ever hear of condoms, joker?

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Apr 17Author

he's a troll. don't feed the trolls.

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RemovedApr 21
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