A righteous rant, 13/10, no notes.

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May 17Author

Thanks Geoff. I appreciate you. I'm going to go scream/cry now and break things.

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My weekly post about Human Garbage has plenty of contestants, all worthy, all deplorable.

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May 17Author

no lack of choices in shit box red states. these lawmakers shit the bed daily and are proud of it.

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I can’t believe that things’ve come to this point, and, a protest voter’s just as dangerous as not voting at all. All I see on my feed on IG or TikTok’s the same continuous hate and outrage over Gaza/Palestine. People don’t even understand or feel that they’re inclined to think one way over something that’s out of our collective control as people. What’s happening in Palestine’s a nightmare. And as much as people are protesting and dropping their paid intuition based classes for the sake of Palestine totally haven’t a single reality based point on how I can’t ever look at FedEx or Pfizer in any same capacity ever again BECAUSE of the nightmare of an orange Fungus sequel term. I can’t take the idea of living under a “ruler” like that because no one lives or wins under an autocracy. I pity those still upset over Palestine because they know they can use that collective energy to save OUR OWN democratic principles and institutions just as much as wanting there to be a freed Palestine. Just as many times I’ve shed tears over Palestine and the overturning of our rights as we see them I can protest that protest by voting 💙 even if no one else part of my generation will. I still have hope for us daily. Too many people got comfortable in ‘16 and we all had no choice but to see the consequences of our decisions via the literal election of an orange fungus. This never hurts me to say this now, as it’ll never hurt as much as the pain of having to almost lose everyone I knew in my life due to the pandemic and their battles with health issues, but, I’ll just say it: war is dumb and no one wins under any circumstance of a protest vote. I’m still voting 💙 no matter what.

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May 17Author

I feel the same way- and I believe that majority of "protest voters" will come home and do the right thing. Many of the protest voters claiming "joe biden is the same as trump!!!" are trolls, or burn it all down types that want to destroy our system and IMO are just as bad as maga anti-gov insurrectionist weirdos. Bottom line is, they are loud but a small minority, but their influence over uneducated voters concerns me. Anyway, thank you for reading my rant.

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You’re welcome. I’ve had nothing but respect for anyone who’s come to the reality of the world we live in. I can only hope that the next intelligent species that evolves millions of years after us is better than how we’ve currently been towards one another as a species.

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May 17Liked by Liz

Women's refusal to play their game is really getting on their nerves and hitting their bottom line. The dating app Bumble had to remove its billboards begging women to sleep with men.

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May 17Author

that's interesting. any links I can use for posts?

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May 17·edited May 17Liked by Liz
May 17·edited May 17Liked by Liz

Conservative GenZ commentator Brett Cooper of the Daily Wire covered the Bumble fumble but she completely dropped the ball on it. Her take was that since the Bumble app had it that only women could make the first contact, women were leaving Bumble because women don't want to make the first move. So now Bumble makes it that men can make the first contact and yet women are not flooding back, so what's the issue? Brett thinks it's some sort GenZ awakening that young women are foregoing online "hook ups" and "casual sex" and preferring instead to meet men in the more organic "traditional" way - offline and out in real life. But no, women aren't doing that either. You would think that after all the conservative whining and crying over mainstream and social media about "the male loneliness epidemic" and "plummeting birth rates" that these conservative blabber mouths could figure it out. But no, they can't put 2 and 2 together. Conservative media and dating apps are completely shook over the absense of women's interest in meeting, dating, sexing, marrying, carrying forward the DNA of men, and yet they still can't quite figure out WHY.

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May 18Liked by Liz

Here's a good video touching on Andrea Dworkin's views in her book Right Wing Women and how they intersect with today's Bumble fumble, the 4B Movement and the reversal of RoevWade.

Dworkin posits that left wing men of the 70s were pissed that the Sexual Revolution didn't net them all the sex they thought it would so they began to abandon abortion rights and "waaaaaah......if we can't get laid we're leaving revolutionary politics!!!"


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May 18Author

Thanks for sharing!

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One of the annoying thing about people like Harrison is whenever they post something a bunch of MAGAs come on and say they didn’t say what we say they did even as they back up every nasty thing people like Harrison said because we libs can never be right about anything.

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Well, he's on video so there's no denying

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He’s written enough of it in code so that people can deny it if they want, much like the MAGAs do with say Trump and his Jan 6 speech.

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I hate this fucker. We should let Patrick Mahomes wife kick his ass, I'm sure she could.

My husband says that there are several petitions out there requesting the Chiefs to terminate him. NFL is distancing themselves from Butt-ker he read.

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May 17·edited May 17Author

NFL needs him too bad. he won't suffer any backlash, if anything he will become a mascot for the far right and the manosphere. This will not hurt him at all. he will make money off of it.

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The NFL does not *need* him. I'm sure they definitely want to keep him though, but his comments went far beyond misogynistic and degrading women as a whole..... he was also outright hostile against LBGTQ as well, and there a few openly gay NFL players, so overall this prick offended a lot of people. He stopped short on racism but I suspect he's also a racist, most Christian nationalists are.

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If the chiefs keep him, I am forever against them, mahomes, kelce, reid, and their entire organization. I'll be wishing their permanent demise, all of them.

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I was thinking about Annie Wilkes today, from that old movie Misery. Where she breaks his ankles. 🤣

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Totally agreed. This might bring them some bad juju in their upcoming season.

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So are you saying then that everyone in the NFL who thinks or believes similarly should be terminated by their franchise? That is also an extremist and scary position. Do you wish to punish anyone who thinks differently than yourself? Your comments lead me to believe so.

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If the NFL had any principles, which we know they do not (except for money), they would ban him from the league forever, and let him live with his abusive behavior and beliefs.

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I live in Lawrence, Kansas. I am appalled. I am no longer of child bearing age nor do I have the proper equipment to do so. But my friends and my friends’ children are.

Honestly? I blame 🍊45

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May 17Author

Greetings fellow Kansan! Yes. This backlash to 2nd wave feminism is unsurprising, especially since the orange menace gave these men (and the supreme court) permission to be the worst version of themselves. We have to vote these ghouls out in November. All the way down to the dog catcher.

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May 17Liked by Liz

I’ve been so frustrated by all the chatter and fuss on Instagram (about Butker’s tirade) that is focusing almost exclusively on seeing him as an individual rogue misogynist. Rather than as a prime example of what Project 2025 and the Heritage Foundation are planning for a Trump win in Nov. What’s happening across the country at the state government level is chilling, yet so few people are joining up the dots.

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May 18Author


Because the press is failing on such a level similar to the fictional press in the movie "don't look up", I feel like most folks have no idea what PR2025 is and that it will alter their existence in this country. We are literally watching the comet come towards earth and the press is opining about Joe Biden's age. Somebody shoot me.

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May 18Liked by Liz

I know. I literally feel like a conspiracy theory nutcase when I mention Project 2025 anywhere — yet it’s no theory; it’s already becoming reality. But you’d never know it from trawling through the media.

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Mad props for this piece. I understand people’s concern over Gaza, anyone with a heart and a brain can. However, our country’s future is at stake and I don’t relish living in a Project 2025 hellscape.

I hope Buttkick’s wife is happy being a handmaiden to such a jerk. If I had a husband that said this, I’d have been packed and out the door before he even left the stage.

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May 17Author

100% YES

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I am grateful to live in a blue state where abortion rights, LGBTQ, and general sanity prevails. My heart breaks for anyone who is not a cis-het white man living in a red state. Handmaid's Tale is becoming a reality before our eyes and it's terrifying.

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May 18Author

And sadly it will be coming to every state if Trump wins. He can simply ban abortion and contraception by enforcing the Comstock act., then withhold federal funding for blue states that fail to do so. It will literally be civil war. Sorry to be grim….thank you for coming here and contributing!!

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I can't even imagine the devastation if he wins.

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May 22Author

I'll swim to mexico if I have to.

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May 17Liked by Liz

Very well written and spot on! I asked my group last night if Butthole even wrote that speech!? I doubt he did.

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May 17Author

His pal Josh Hawley probably conjured up that hot garbage.

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Excellent, Liz. I'm new-glad to find you.

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May 17Author

Thank you for being here!! I very much admire your work.

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Susan is dynamite and so are you.

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May 22Author

Than you sis.

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A protest vote against Biden? For what, I don't get it?

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May 18Author

supplying weapons to Israel. But I honestly think its just nihilism. Similar to the bernie bro outrage in 2016.

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I doubt those people ever vote.

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May 18Author

yes but "Biden isn't fighting to win our vote that we promised to never give him!!!"

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I’d be DELIGHTED to fill in that rage blank. I’d be delighted to talk about the kind of mentality that just found out there is this place called the Mideast where they have serious problems. I’d be delighted to express my opinion of people who don’t think it’s possible that America could turn Baptist Taliban. My delight would include addressing people who think keeping their soft white hands free from the schmutz of politics makes them, you know, attractive and debonair. If asked, I’d be, well, delighted, that’s the word, to say a few short Anglo-Saxon words to those who are just so over Old Joe and wish they had someone who wasn’t such an old…nobody in particular, just, I don’t know, someone not so OLD.

Yeah, good times. Thanks for the piece, and, no, I hadn’t heard about the Republican supermajority doing that. Kansas was once known for the strength of their women, and I expect we’ll be hearing from them in November.

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May 18Author

Kansas isn’t as bad as Missouri, where I crossed over from. I’m glad you are here. We gotta stick together and sharing our collective outrage is therapeutic. We are in this together.

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Over here from Summer Koester’s stack and I’m also swimming blue in a sea of red! Lord do I have typos. Love your style! 🙌🏻

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May 18Author

Welcome Maureen! I’m glad you are here… I also have many typos.

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May 17Liked by Liz

This great! I’m so glad I found your Substack. We’re in this together!

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My mind is blown by the people I hear will not vote Blue because of …. Gaza/Israel, etc. In what world will it be better for us or Palestinians or Ukrainians if Herr Pumpkinfuhrer returns to power!? It enrages me!

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May 22Author

It blows my mind too. I honestly think most of these voters will return to Biden when faced with another Trump term, but our voicing their outrage over the Israel situation. The voters who refused to return to Biden or vote for a third-party or threaten to not vote at all I believe, never supported Biden to begin with, and if it wasn’t the Israel Gazza issue, they would find another reason to be outrage shit, Biden, and the “system“. Nihilism mixed with idealism is never a great combination. I understand that a lot of young people are angry at our two party system, but I feel that many who think that voting third-party will somehow fix that don’t really understand the nuance of how government actually works.

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May 22Author

Voice to text so please excuse typos lol

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Not bad for voice to text. I’ve gotten some interesting texts from my sister. 😉🤣

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